


科 目:鹦鹉嘴龙科                             Family          Psittacosaundae

时代:白垩纪早期                               Period          Early Cretaceous

栖息地:亚洲灌木丛林地、沙漠                      Habital          Scrublands and deserts of Asia

高度:0.6米                                  Height            0.6M

长度:1.5                                       Length             1.5M

重量:25公斤                                        Weight            25KG

食性:草食性                                      Diet             Herbivore

特征:短小而又硬的脑袋、弯曲的鸟状嘴型脸颊上细小的突脚      Characteristics:Short、blunt head with curved beakamall homs on cheeks                                 


It is been named sa"parrot lizard”in Greek ,is a genus of the ceratopsians Psittacosaurus,Lived in the Asian in theEarly Cretaceous about 100million 30 million to 100 million 10 million years ago,Psittacosaurus,Protoceratops, Triceratops and so on have a similar hook-shaaped parrot beak,and the scientists infer rhe Psittacosaurus dinosaurs are likely the ancestors of rhe most Ceratopsian dinosaurs by its shape and existingperiod.

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